Reporting CoE data for the Chancellor’s Office



Completed - Met Expectations [Completed - Met Expectations]

100% complete, updated on Wed 11/8/17 10:58 AM by Steve Little

Changed status from In Process to Completed - Met Expectations.
Changed health from Yellow to Green.
Changed percent complete from 90% to 100%.
Pages are in the process of being moved to Production. There will be post-production work to put in automated update processes and scheduling of those processes. We will use service now for post-project fixes/changes/mods.


Fri 11/13/15 - Wed 11/8/17
AA- Academic Affairs
Project Request / New Project Request
Project / Annual Project Call
Green - On track
"Grow" Project
Tue 11/17/15 3:28 PM
Wed 11/8/17 10:58 AM
Wed 11/8/17 10:58 AM
Link to Strategic Planning and Mandates
This will link the project to the University strategy it supports. If it is not a strategic project, don't select any.
Business Process Improvement
Problem / Opportunity
Briefly summarize the problem or opportunity you propose to address. Write this in terms of the organizational problem being addressed, not in terms of the solution needed.
Data that affects enrollment reports is to automatically collected and reported to CO, and our campus has reported incorrect figures for recent academic years. The analysis of the reason for the low numbers suggested that the credential status data were coded but were not reflected in the appropriate People Soft Subpanel.
Project Steps
Clearly state the major steps necessary to complete the project goals and objectives, with a focus on the non-IT planning steps required. List steps sequentially, with responsible parties noted.
1. Discuss and identify the data needed for reporting.
2. Identify existing systems and data structures.
3. Determine if with existing systems and data structures the data collection and reporting can be automated.
4. Plan and implement an automated method for collecting and reporting the data including how it will be tested.
5. Evaluate the testing and document and communicate procedures for this process.
6. Resolve urgent Chancellor’s Office reporting requirement 10-26-15
Area Lead
The person in your area who will help lead the following: document requirements, bring in appropriate resources (e.g., faculty, students, staff, etc.), and oversee tasks, testing, and training.
Marc Fox
Executive Sponsor
Each project must have an executive sponsor (VP / Cabinet level executive).
Ed Mills

Other Project Information

Project has measure objectives
Partially Measurable
Credit Card Data Touched (PCI)
Does the project touch payment card/credit card data (PCI)? Contact and include the ISO if payment card information is required.
Health Care Data Touched (HIPAA)
Does the project touch personal health care data (HIPAA)? Contact and Include the ISO.
Student Data Touched (FERPA)
Does the project touch student data (FERPA)? If so contact and include the ISO and the Registrar.


The Chancellor’s Office (CO) requires reporting of credential program completers and other data. Sacramento State needs to meet the CO’s reporting requirements, which has been a difficult task. Currently a manual method is used for collecting and reporting data which has created a difficult situation in meeting reporting requirements. A long term solution is needed. The goal is to remove human error which is more probably due to manual reporting of data. The CoE needs to report out the number of student enrolled for each academic year for Multiple Subject and Single Subject for summer, fall, winter, and spring along with the totals for summer term, academic year, and college year.

Systems Affected

  1. Common Managment System(CMS)- SIS

  2. OnBase


Alternate Manager(s)


Stakeholders (1)

Vanessa Sheared
Dean, College of Education
Tue 11/17/15 3:30 PM